John Jones Fellowship Fund

In 2006 the John Jones Surgical Society established the John Jones Fellowship Fund within the Department of Surgery at Columbia University to generate support for young surgeon-researchers and surgeon-educators through a formal process.

The Society's goal is to support basic and clinical research initiatives at the resident level. The fund currently supports the research activities of one surgery resident annually, selected on a competitive basis.

A Research Committee composed of Department of Surgery faculty reviews applications. The John Jones Fellowship is awarded to the best submission.

The designated John Jones Fellow receives a grant of $6,000.00 from the Fellowship Fund and is mentored by a Department of Surgery faculty member. The Fellow is a member for one year of the Department's Research Committee and presents research results at the Annual Spring Meeting of the John Jones Surgical Society.

For more information on the John Jones Fellows click here.

John Jones Fellowship applications will open December 2024 for the 2025-2026 fellow

Eligibility: In keeping with the Society's goal to support basic and clinical research initiatives at the resident level, applicants should be in a recognized ACGME residency program (general surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, and plastic and reconstructive surgery) at the time of application.

For more information, contact the Administrator, Trisha J. Hargaden, at

Donating to the Fellowship


Donations can be made on-line, by clicking here.

By Check:

Please make checks payable to Columbia University Department of Surgery, with John Jones Fellowship noted on the memo line and mail to:

Contact Person:
Trisha J. Hargaden, (212) 305-2735


Mailing address:
John Jones Surgical Society
Attn: Trisha J. Hargaden
Columbia University
Department of Surgery Finance Office
21 Audubon Avenue, 2nd Floor – Room 209
New York, NY 10032